Working Together Since 1958 for Quality Biblical Education

More About ETA
Experienced – Founded in 1930.
Doctrinally Dependable - Solidly holds to a conservative, evangelical theology.
Educationally Sound - Bridging cognitive necessity with developmental sensitivity, ETA courses are designed to engage all types of adult learners. ETA materials are edited from an intercultural perspective.
Thoroughly Field-Tested - ETA materials are used in over 100 denominations. ETA resources reach a global constituency.
Widely Accepted - ETA resources are used in hundreds of denominations throughout the United States and the world.
Ministry-Driven - As a non-profit ministry organization comprised of seminaries, colleges, universities, institutes, and churches, ETA is committed to providing quality training resources for equipping lay volunteers to serve Christ more effectively in the church.
Affordable - Produces materials that are attractive and reasonably priced.
​The basic calling of ETA is to provide programs, materials, and services which assist churches and Bible institutes in equipping lay leaders for ministry within the local church. The entire staff of ETA is committed to you and your Bible Institute. Our goal is to help develop a lay leadership training program to fulfill Christ's Great Commission. ETA facilitates kingdom growth and serves as a bridge between member schools and the evangelical community. Our leadership resources equip churches, Bible Institutes, and academic communities with proven training curriculum.

Dr. William L. Banks Memorial Library
It’s now a reality! In Room 200 on the second floor of the new main campus building, you’ll find the Institute’s new library dedicated in memory of MBI’s fifth President and fourth Dean, Dr. William L. Banks, who went Home to be with the Lord on April 19, 2020. The library contains approximately 5,000 books including a wide assortment of Bible translations and versions, Bible commentaries, doctrinal studies, systematic theologies, missions, counseling, and Christian biography.
The library includes a large assortment of books and periodicals that focus on African-American history and culture, race in America, urban ministry, public policy, justice, Christian ethics, apologetics, justice, cultural decline, and sociological studies. Pastoral and church leadership, Christian education, world religions, cults, the history of Christianity, homiletics, resources for the study of English, Hebrew and Greek, and hermeneutics are also generously represented in the library collection.
Included in the collection are books of sermons, devotional literature, topical studies on biblical subjects, family ministry, Christian marriage and parenting, singles ministry, small groups, and church management. The library includes books on prayer and stewardship, hymnals and hymn stories, Christian worship, and music. In addition, the library includes atlases, concordances, and other reference books for individual Bible study. Secular studies include books on philosophy, psychology, American history, African history, English dictionaries, world geography, physical and mental health, and social problems.
The library is open from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. on school nights for the use of MBI students and faculty. Students and alumni have lending privileges and may take books home for a period of two weeks. Friend and partners of Manna also have access privileges to use the library by appointment when school is not in session. Contact the school office to make arrangements.
Equipping Manna's Students for Christian Ministry
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I am interested in attending Manna Bible Institute and would like to receive a current catalog and application forms.
Registration for first semester 2024-25 will be held on Tuesday, August 22nd from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday classes begin on August 29, 2024. Prospective students can take the first step in the process now by applying for a free catalog and application form. Apply today by clicking the button below.