Academic Information
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Manna Welcomes All Students
MBI has no previous educational requirements for admission to its Standard Bible Course or Christian Workers’ Certificate program. Many new students have a high school diploma, some have college credits, but many new students have neither, but all entering students are welcome. The Advanced School of Biblical Learning requires a Bible school diploma.
Christian Worker's Certificate
Standard Bible Course
The two-year program is the first half of the Standard Bible Course. Twenty-four courses are offered, three courses on Tuesday and Thursday nights for two semesters each year. Many students prefer to take classes one night a week which extends the time needed to complete the program.
The four-year program includes the full curriculum of 48 courses on the undergraduate level. Courses are held on Tuesday and Thursday nights, three courses per night for two semesters each year. Taking classes on one night extends the time needed to complete the program.

In both the two-year and four-year programs, Manna offers courses in Bible (the complete Bible is covered in the four-year program), Christian doctrine, church history, missions, evangelism, and in Pastoral and Practical Christian work. On completion of the two-year program, the graduate receives the Preliminary Certificate of the Evangelical Training Association (ETA). On completion of the four-year program, the graduate receives ETA’s Advanced Certificate and a Manna Bible Institute diploma.

Advanced School of Biblical Studies
"... that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."
Colossians 1:9-10
Manna’s School of Advanced Biblical Studies is a two-year advanced diploma curriculum beyond the Standard Bible Course. Students must have completed, at minimum, 36 hours at an accredited Bible Institute. The curriculum consists of eight-week modules, one night per week for 2-1/2 to 3 hours each night. Each course is three credit hours. Courses include:
Psychology and the Biblical Concept of Christian Counseling
Preaching Clinic
The Kingdom of God – Studies in Matthew
The Dynamics of Prayer
The Ten Commandments
Christian Apologetics
Courses scheduled for the first semester of the 2023-24 school year are Ezekiel from August 30, 2023 to October 18, 2023, and Thy Kingdom Come from October 25 to December 13, 2023.
Tuition and Fees
Manna keeps tuition costs as low as possible. Students pay no more than 50% of the cost of their education. Through the generosity of churches and individual supporters, Manna’s students can focus on their studies without incurring financial hardship on themselves or their families.
Former board chair, Dr. Robert P. Shine, wrote, “Manna’s presence in the inner city is critical to provide that additional opportunity to strengthen our churches and leaders at a cost that is affordable.”
(2023-24 School Year)
Application Fee – $25 (non-refundable; to be sent by prospective students along with application form)
Tuition – $125 per course (payable at time of registration; tuition does not include textbooks)
Registration Fee – $30 per semester (payable at time of registration)
Late Registration Fee – $25
Auditors (subjects taken are not-for-credit) – $85 per class (payable at the time of registration. Auditors have the option of purchasing course notes which are not included in the tuition.)
Application Fee – $50 (non-refundable; to be sent by prospective students along with application form)
Tuition – $300 per course (payable at the time of registration)
Registration Fee – $30 per semester (payable at the time of registration)
While tuition is minimal, textbooks (required in several courses) are extra and amount to approximately $70 per year.
Additional expenses include application fee, registration fee, late registration fee, graduation fee, and deferred payment fee.
No student will receive course notes and textbooks unless the required tuition has been paid, but they may sit in on classes for a limited period until the required payment is made. Grades will not be issued to the student at the close of a semester unless all tuition and additional expenses are paid.
Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Directors. Normally, no change is made during the course of an academic year, and sufficient notice is given to all students.

MBI Student-Based and Institutional Objectives
MBI Student-Based Objectives
“If they are true objectives (with the qualities of student-centeredness, behavioral and measurable terms), then you naturally bring the spotlight to bear upon your products - the students that will graduate and who have graduated from your school.” J. Mostert, Bible College Objectives, AABC
1) At MBI, the Bible will be taught as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. Its content and application for life and faith will be stressed. When you graduate, you should be able to express your confidence in the Bible as the Word of God and the standard for your faith and practice.
2) At MBI. You will receive a thorough training in the content of the Bible and in Christian doctrine. When you graduate you should be able to show that you have acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and an understanding of major Christian doctrine.
12) At MBI, you will be taught the importance of solving interpersonal conflicts, encouraged to deal with your own conflicts with other people, and you will learn skills in counseling and reconciliation. When you graduate, you should be able to demonstrate the ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts and to help people resolve their conflicts in effective and realistic ways.
11) At MBI, your consciousness of ethical issues will be raised, and you will be challenged to consider the personal and social implications of the Gospel. When you graduate, you should be concerned with righteousness and justice, and recognize the power of the Gospel to meet every human need'; you should be concerned with the poor and oppressed of society and be willing to challenge the forces of evil and injustice.
3) At MBI, you will be encouraged to use your Bible knowledge in practical living, in witnessing, and in your Christian service. When you graduate, you should be able to prepare Bible studies or messages and communicate God's Word to others; you should be confident in your ability to engage in Christian service ministries as well as in personal and group, evangelism.
10) At MBI, you will be encouraged to be tolerant of people of other races, denominations, and ethnicities, and you will be challenged to be open to new concepts and ideas. When you graduate, you should be able to interact with other people and promote reconciliation among all people; you should be open to new ideas and able to test them by God’s Word.
4) At MBI, spiritual growth and maturity will be emphasized and encouraged.
When you graduate, you should evidence a high degree of maturity in your Christian life and experience, including personal confidence in your adequacy, abilities, and skills.
9) At MBI, you will be provided with a comprehensive program to develop and improve your English speaking and writing skills in your personal life and in the ministries to which you were called. When you graduate, you will have achieved sufficient skill in reading, writing, and public speaking to pass your courses, and you should be personally satisfied with your abilities to write and speak in your Christian service responsibilities.
5) At MBI, Evangelism and Christian missions will be emphasized. You will have the opportunity to participate in student missions and evangelistic ministries. When you graduate, you should give evidence of involvement in missions and evangelism through participation in these ministries and in your ability and willingness to share your faith with others.
8) At MBI, the obligation of the Church to respond biblically and relevantly to human needs will be emphasized. When you graduate you should be able to deal with urgent needs and concerns, show compassion and understanding, and express your faith relevantly through ministries of mercy, encouragement, and help when confronted with human needs.
6) At MBI, you will be involved in corporate worship and music with other students and with teachers through chapel services and other worship experiences. When you graduate, you should have an appreciation for worship experiences and music in the African-Amencan tradition, as well as in the experiences of other cultures represented in the Church.
7) At MBI, you will have opportunities to interact with other students in class meetings and fellowship; you will be taught the biblical concept of fellowship and encouraged to apply that concept in your relationships with students and teachers. When you graduate, you should be able to share your faith and spiritual gifts with other believers in Christian fellowship and service and demonstrating leadership, and working well with others in worship and service opportunities.
MBI Institutional Objectives
5) To take definitive action to cultivate strategic interrelationships with partner Christian schools and community-based churches and pastors, and to seek specific ways of constructive interaction with schools and churches of like-minded faith.
1) To develop an educational ministry that is centered on people rather than on programs and activities.
6) To structure and schedule relevant continuing education courses for graduates, ministers, and other constituents, as well as public seminars geared to the interests and needs of the community.
2) To strengthen the potential of all students to use their knowledge in strategic ministries; to encourage students and graduates to share leadership and experience in cooperative ministries
7) To enhance and expand the Advanced School of Biblical Learning to provide elective biblical, and doctrinal courses for alumni who desire more intensive theological training
3) To encourage cooperative leadership that commits faculty, administration and board to consistently clarify institutional goals and monitor progress.
8) To improve communication of the school's educational ministries through enhanced technology and to enhance communication and cooperation among all constituents of the school.
4) To foster attitudes of tolerance, integrity, compassion, and inquiry among students and teachers.